Ogden Amphitheater Seating Chart

Most events at Ogden Amphitheater space for over 7,000 music fans during standing room only events. The typical arrangement for events is to have about 273 fixed seats close to the stage and in the VIP area as well as several ADA-approved wheelchair accessible + companion seats throughout the venue. Most of the space is lawn space which can fill up to standing room only for larger festivals, concerts, or special events.
Some events may have altered seating arrangements depending on the needs of the event or the visiting performers. This means that some events will have strict reserved seating across fixed seating and temporary bleachers. While others will have ONLY standing room available.
For this reason, you should always make sure to carefully read the event description so you know what to expect.
All seating is designed to have a direct line of sight to the stage so you don’t have to miss out on any of the action no matter how close or far you are. This means that you should always choose spacing based on your needs rather than concerns over visibility.
Accessible Seating
Wheelchair and companion seating is always available on a first come first serve basis. This means that persons in need should request ADA-approved seating as early as possible. In fact, companions may be asked to stand if the need for ADA-compliant seating is so great that the standard wheelchair spaces are not enough.
NOTE: The above seating map can be subject to change. This depends on the type of event. Always check the seating map when selecting your tickets for each individual event.
Grab your tickets today and reserve your desired seats! View the Ogden Amphitheater schedule to see all the upcoming events.
To read more about the ticket and refund policies, check out the ticket information page.